Alter Spay and Neuter Consent Form

Please carefully read and fill out the spay and neuter consent form accurately to ensure all information provided is correct and complete. Your attention to detail is important to ensure the best care for your pet.

General Anesthesia and Bloodwork

Your pet is scheduled for the above procedure, which involves general anesthesia. Although the veterinarians at Animal Medical Hospital at Glenwood utilize very safe anesthetic protocols and monitoring devices, there are inherent risks involved with any patient undergoing anesthesia. An IV catheter will be placed prior to the procedure, which will help facilitate quick administration of emergency medications if needed. Performing pre-surgical bloodwork within 30 days of anesthesia helps us to identify any abnormalities that would increase a patient's risk with anesthesia. It can also be a good baseline of bloodwork values for future reference.

Patients UNDER 7 Years Old

This is optional and recommended.

Patients OVER 7 Years Old

This is REQUIRED if bloodwork has not been performed within 30 days of surgery.

For Feline patients ONLY

Note: Male cats presenting for neuter do not get an IV catheter placed.

Canine Hip and Elbow X-Rays at Time of Neuter


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Clear Signature